Vancouver weather: Forecast calls for temperatures to climb above 20°C next week

In News by Anywhere Vancouver

It’s finally happening. The Vancouver weather forecast finally includes some warm spring weather!

April has seen colder-than-normal temperatures so far, but the second half of the month is looking much different.

From April 22nd to April 26th, conditions will remain cloudy and showers are in the forecast for most days. The sun is expected to make an appearance on Monday, but there is a chance of showers.


Vancouver weather

Beginning next Thursday, we could see up to 8 straight days of sunshine.

That’s right! Finally some sunshine for Vancouver!

Daytime temperatures will reach a high of 21°C on April 28th and the Vancouver weather forecast calls for nothing but clear skies as we head into the first week of May.

Between April 29th and May 4th, daytime temperatures will hover above 14°C and nothing but clear skies are in store.

Vancouver weather

Hang in there, warm weather is on the way.

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