Whistler Craigslist ad offers free rent in exchange for “girl-friend with benefits”

In News, Real Estate by Anywhere Vancouver

A recent housing ad on Craigslist has captured a lot of attention for all the wrong reasons. The listing says free housing is being offered in Whistler for “girl-friend with benefits”.

This bizarre rental offer was posted by a “local business man” in his early 30s who is handsome, fit, and looking for a nice girl who wants to be in a “fun, occasional relationship”.


The man says he lives a house in Whistler’s Nordic neighbourhood and is willing to let someone stay in his one-bedroom studio at no cost. A bathroom, laundry and small kitchen are included. Parking is another feature offered, but it’s uncovered.

The businessman also mentions that he’s currently in an “ethically non-monogamous relationship”. The listing also states “no males allowed” and unfortunately, pets aren’t allowed either.

“Not a party house, quiet neighbourhood,’ states the listing.


The businessman says the spot is available from December 2023 until April 2024.

As of Tuesday afternoon, it appears the ad has been taken down.

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